Psychology notes pdf download completely free for gnm 1st year students. These gnm nursing notes PDFs are made according to the syllabus so you can take full advantage of the notes in your exams.
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Wilhelm Wundt is the man known as the father of psychology.
What is the Scope of Psychology?
The scope of psychology is extended as it addresses various issues related to the mental and behavioural functioning of the individual. The Study of psychology helps us to develop a basic understanding of human nature and facilitates dealing with different personal and social problems.
How Many Methods Are There in Psychology?
There are three main types of psychological research: Descriptive, experimental, and correlational.
What are the 5 Concepts of Psychology?
The biological, cognitive, humanistic, psychoanalytic, & behavioural perspectives are five basic notions used in psychology to explain human behaviour
Is Psychology a Good Career?
Psychology is a highly rewarding field of study. A psychologist’s salary depends on many factors including his/her qualifications, area of specialization, and experience in this profession.
What are the 7 Main Theories of Psychology?
The major perspectives in psychology that emerged are cognitive, humanistic, behavioural, psychodynamic,socio-cultural, biological, and evolutionary
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