Are you a gnm third-year student? So, this is a helpful article for you. Here our team describe the 3rd Year gnm syllabus for all the subjects.
gnm 3rd-year syllabus pdf helps nurses gain knowledge to function as efficient healthcare team members.
All the subjects mentioned in detail in this gnm 3rd Year syllabus like medical-surgical nursing-I, Mental Health Nursing and Child Health Nursing etc.

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Midwifery & Gynecological Nursing 3rd Year GNM Syllabus
Introduction |
Definition of midwifery and obstetrical nursing, Scope of midwifery, History of midwifery, Basic competencies of a midwife, Trends of maternity services in India, The Vital statistics related to maternal health in India.
Reproductive System |
- Review of structure and the function of the female reproductive system.
- Female pelvis –Types, structure, and diameter.
Embryology & Foetal Development |
Oogenesis, fertilization, spermatogenesis, & implantation; Embryology and the Fetal development Charts- Structure, function, liquor, abnormalities. Structure, diameter, sutures & fontanel of fetal skull; Fetal circulation.
Normal Pregnancy & Its Management |
Pre-conception care, Genetic counselling, physiological changes in pregnancy; History, signs & symptoms of pregnancy. Antenatal Care, Health Education and counselling, Drugs and immunizations;
Normal labour & Its Management |
Definition, stages, signs & causes of the onset of labour, True and false labour.
The first stage of labour:
- Physiology
- Monitoring using photography and its interpretation.
- Care of mother: physical and psychological
- Pain management
- Setting up for labour room including the newborn corner.
Second stage:
- Mechanism and the Physiology.
- Monitoring
- Conduction of the Normal delivery.
- Episiotomy
- Essential newborn care
Third stage:
- Physiology and signs
- Active management of the third stage.
- Examination of the placenta.
- Episiotomy suturing
Fourth stage:
- Physiology
- Care of the mother and baby
- Postpartum family planning
Management of Newborn |
Assessment, physiological adaptation, Examination for defects, Breastfeeding- BFHI, Care of Newborn -Skin, buttocks, etc. Bonding & the rooming-in, Minor disorders of newborns – skin, rashes, Infections of the eye.
Management of Normal Puerperium |
Definition and objectives of care, Physiological changes, Postnatal counselling, Lactation and feeding, Care during puerperium. Minor ailment and management, Family planning.
Management of Complications During Pregnancy |
Bleeding in pregnancy– Early and late, Ectopic pregnancy, Abortion, Antepartum haemorrhage, Vesicular mole; Hyperemesis gravidarum; Pregnancy-induced hypertension- Preeclampsia & Eclampsia; Hydromnios.
High-risk pregnancy:- Monitoring- NST, USG, Anaemia, Jaundice, Viral, Urinary tract infections, Heart diseases, Diabetes, AIDS and STDs, Elderly Primigravida, Multipara, Multiple pregnancies.
Management of High-Risk Labour |
Malposition & malpresentation, Contracted pelvis, Abnormal uterine actions, Cervical Dystocia, Precipitate & prolonged labour, premature rupture of membranes & induction of labour obstructed labour, Obstetrics Emergencies.
Complications of the third stage- Postpartum Hemorrhage, Atonic uterus, Injuries to the birth canal, Retained placenta and membranes, Inversion of Uterus.
Management of Complications of Puerperium |
Puerperal pyrexia, Puerperal Sepsis, Thrombophlebitis and Embolism, Mastitis, Breast engorgement, & Breast abscess, and Puerperal psychosis.
High-Risk & Sick Newborn |
Assessment, Nursing care, Management of newborns with- Hyperbilirubinemia, Neonatal hypoglycemia, Hypothermia, Neonatal Convulsions, Rh incompatibility; Newborn of HIV positive mother, and the diabetic mother, Levels of care in NICU.
Obstetric Operations |
Definition, indication and care of women undergoing, Induction of Clinical labour teaching, Manual removal of the placenta, Version, Forceps delivery, Sterilization, Dilatation& evacuation, Dilatation & curettage, Post-abortion care.
Drugs Used in Obstetrics |
Dose, side effects, Indication, action, contraindication, and the responsibilities in the administration of- Oxytocin, Uterotonics, Tocolytics, Antihypertensives, Anticonvulsants, Anesthesia & analgesia;
Ethical and Legal Aspects of Midwifery |
- Maternal and the newborn death review, 2.Mother and the Child Tracking System
Gynecological Nursing 3rd Year GNM Syllabus
Introduction |
Definition of terms, History, Examination, Investigation.
Puberty |
Definition, Developments of the sex organ in female & sexuality, Review of the menstrual cycle, Premenstrual syndrome, Disorders of Cryptomenorrhea, menstruation, dysmenorrhea, and dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
Fertility & Infertility |
Definition, Investigation, Causes in male and female, Management, Artificial reproductive techniques.
Pelvic Infections |
Vulva – vulvitis, bartholinitis; Vagina – Vaginitis, Trichomonas vaginitis, Moniliasi, Metritis, Salpingitis, Nephritis, Cervical erosions, Pelvic Abscess, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Sexually Transmitted Diseases- Syphilis, Warts, Gonorrhea, HIV;
Gynecological Disorders |
Retroversion, retroflexion, Fistulas, Uterine displacement & prolapse, Uterine malformations, Cysts & fibroids, Uterine polyps, Tumours of the reproductive tract.
Breast Disorders |
Review mastitis, breast engorgement, breast abscess, Tumours of the breast benign & malignant
Menopause |
Definition, Surgical menopause, Signs &symptoms, physiological changes, Health education & counselling, Hormone replacement therapy.
Community Health Nursing-II 3rd Year GNM Syllabus
Health Care Delivery System |
Organization and administration of the health system in India at
Central level: Union Ministry, Directorate General of the Health Service, Central Council of Health Service
State-level: State Health Administration, State Health Directorate,& State Ministry of Health
District level: Sub Divisions, Tehsils/ Talukas, Villages, Municipalities & the Corporation, Panchayats
Health Information System |
Health care concept and trend, Public sector, Rural, and the Urban; Private sector, Siddha, yoga, Indigenous systems of medicine Ayurveda, Unani, and Homoeopathy; Voluntary health services.
Health Planning In India |
National health planning, Five-year plans, Health Committees and reports, National health policy
Specialized Health Services & Nurse’s Role |
RCH (reproductive health and child care), National Health Mission (urban/ rural), Janani Sishu Suraksha Karaykaram (JSSK), Emergency ambulance service, Government health insurance schemes services, School Health Services, Geriatric Nursing.
National Health Problems |
Health Problems in India, Communicable diseases, Non-communicable diseases, Nutritional problems, Environmental sanitation, Population.
National Health Program |
- National ARI program
- Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program (RNTCP)
- National anti-malaria programs.
- The National Filarial Control Program.
- National guinea worm eradication program.
- The national leprosy eradication program.
- National AIDS control program.
- STD control program.
- National program for the control of blindness.
- Iodine deficiency control programs.
- An expanded program of immunization.
- The National Family Welfare Program.
- National water supply and sanitation programs.
- Minimum needs program.
- National diabetes controls program.
- Polio eradication: pulse program, NPSP
- The national cancer control program
- Yaw’s eradication program.
- National Nutritional Anaemia Prophylaxis Program.
- 20-point program.
- ICDS program.
- Mid-day meal program.
- The National Mental Health Program.
- Adolescent health program.
- Role of Nurses in National Health Programs.
Demography & Family Welfare |
Demography- Concept, Trends in the world and India, Concept of fertility & infertility, Small family norm; Family Welfare; National Family Welfare Policy, Welfare Program; Nurses’ roles in the family planning program.
Health Team |
Concept, Composition, Functions; District and Public Health Nursing Officer, Block Health Nurse, Public Health Nurse, Lady Health Visitor or the health supervisor, Health female worker/ ANM.
Health Information System |
Concepts, components, use sources, Vital Statistics, Important rates and indicators, Vital health records and their uses, Basic statistical methods, Descriptive statistics
Health Agencies |
International- WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, FAO, ILO, DANIDA, European Commission (EU), Red Cross, USAID, World Bank, UNESCO, CARE
National:- Indian Red Cross, Indian Council for Child Welfare, Family Planning Association of India, Family Planning Association of India, Other NGOs.
The internship is a vital point In the GNM nursing course. Here we have discussed all the internship syllabus and subjects in detail.
Nursing Education 3rd Year GNM Syllabus
Introduction |
Education- Aims, Meaning, Purposes & Scope
Teaching-learning Process |
Basic principles, Characteristics of teachings and learnings, Teaching responsibility of a Nurse, Preparation of the teaching plan.
Methods of Teaching |
Methods of teaching, Clinical teaching methods:- Case method, Bedside clinic, Nursing rounds, Nursing conference teaching ( individual and group), Process recording.
Introduction to Research 3rd Year GNM Syllabus
Introduction |
Definition, Terminology related to the research, Importance and need of nursing research, and The Characteristics of good research.
Research Process |
1. Purposes and objectives, 2. Steps in the research process
Research Approaches & Designs |
A. Types, B. Methods, C. Advantages & disadvantages
Data Collection Process |
Meaning, Methods & the instruments of data collection
Analysis of Data |
1) Compilation, 2) Classification, 3) Tabulation, 4) Summarization, 5) Presentation and the interpretation of data using descriptive statistics
Introduction to Statistics |
Definition, Use of statistics, Scales of measurement, Frequency distribution, Mean, median, mode & standard deviation.
Utilization of Research In Nursing Practice |
1. Evidence-based practice.
3rd Year GNM Syllabus of Professional Trends and Adjustment
Nursing as a Profession |
Definition of the profession, Criteria of a profession and Nursing profession, Evolution of Nursing Profession in India, Educational preparation of a Professional Nurse, Characteristics or Qualities & roles of a Professional Nurse.
Professional Ethics |
Meanings & relationship of professional ethics and etiquette, Code of Ethics for Nurses by ICN, Standards for Nursing Practice (INC), Etiquettes for employment.
Personal and Professional Development |
Continuing education; A career in Nursing: Opportunities are available in Nursing in hospitals, Community teaching and other related special organizations; In-service education:
Legislation in Nursing |
Purposes and importance of laws in Nursing, Legal Terms, The Common legal hazards in Nursing, Law & regulation related to health care providers in India at different levels, Regulation of Nursing Education, Registration & reciprocities.
Profession & Related Organizations |
Regulatory bodies; Professional organizations; Related organizations and their contribution to Nursing: World Health Organization, Colombo plan, UNICEF, World Bank & the Red Cross & St John’s Ambulance, etc.
Nursing Administration and Ward Management 3rd Year GNM Syllabus
Introduction |
Administration and management: Significance, Meaning, Principles, Philosophy & Elements.
Management Process |
Planning: Importance, Purpose, Types of planning; Organization: Principles of organization, Organization charts of hospital/ward/ PHC/ Sub centre; Policies of hospitals and the various hospital departments.
Staffing:- Scheduling, Selection, Recruitment, & Deployment, promotion, retaining, superannuation, Personnel management, Job description, Job specification, Staff welfare & staff development.
Administration of Hospital/Department/ Unit/ Ward |
Health centre/ unit physical layout, Safety measures for prevention infections and accidents, Legal responsibility of a Nurse, Leadership styles; Problem-solving:- Steps, Processes, approaches; Records and reports.
Management of Equipment Supplies |
Maintenance of supplies & the equipment (preventive maintenance), Handing over and taking over the inventory, Indent & ordering of supplies and equipment; Problem-solving:- Steps, Processes, approaches, and methods of dealing with supplies and equipment.
Cost & Financing of Health Care |
Cost of health care, Health Financing, Health insurance- types, issues National health plans (annual and five-year plans) and outlays the state and central government’s role in allocating funds, etc.
Best Book List With Author Details
After Buying these books we confirm that these books are made according to the Indian Nursing Council (INC) Syllabus. These books provide the points mentioned on the 3rd Year gnm syllabus of INC.
Books of 3rd Year gnm Syllabus | Author Name | Publisher |
Midwifery and Gynecological Nursing | Dr.M.Lokeswari | Vijayam Publications |
Community Health Nursing-II | Dr.G.Gnana | Vijayam Publications |
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How many subjects are there in GNM 3rd year?
This 3rd Year GNM Syllabus has three theory subjects & 4 intern papers which are mentioned below.
1. Gynecological Nursing, 2.Community Health Nursing-II,
3. Midwifery & Gynecological Nursing,
These four intern papers are- 1. Nursing Education
2. Introduction to Research
3. Profesional Trends & Adjustment
4. Nursing Administration & Ward Management.
What do means by midwifery?
Midwifery is a subject where students learn how to care for women & their newborn babies. From midwifery students also learn how to optimise normal biological, social, physiological & cultural processes of infants’ early life & respect all women.
Nursing Sathi is an educational website made only to help nursing students. In this syllabus, we have covered all the subjects of the gnm 3rd-year syllabus.
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