ANM 1st Year Syllabus PDF Free Download 2024

ANM 1st Year Syllabus pdf covered basic nursing education in the healthcare sectors with concepts of various important subjects.

ANM syllabus enables the Students to learn about the care of child health, basic first aid treatment, and health promotion.

From this 1st year syllabus, you will get an exact idea about the ANM exam, subject details, subject codes, exam duration etc.

ANM 1st Year Syllabus Pdf
ANM 1st Year Syllabus PDF Free Download 2024

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ANM 1st Year Syllabus 2024 & Subjects

ANM 1st Year Syllabus PDF 2024 is the same as the Indian Nursing Council (INC) provided syllabus, the same as the ANM syllabus in Odisha.

This year includes a total of four subjects & nine parts. These subjects are Nutrition, Environmental Sanitation, Mental health, First Aid and Referral, Communicable Diseases etc.

During the study period of ANM 1st Year, ANM students complete many surveys, visit home and learn how to maintain documents copy etc.

Community Health Nursing ANM 1st Year Syllabus PDF


Concept of Health

Health and its changing concepts, Determinants, Dimensions of health, Primary health care, definition, components, significance, application


Community Health practices

Health concepts of people and health care providers, Health behaviours, beliefs and cultural practices of community, Ethics and behaviour related to community practices, Method of home visiting.


Health problems & policies

Overview of health problems of communities in India, Participate in national health and family welfare program, Field Visits: Village, Sub centre, Community health centre.


Health Organization

Organization of SC, PHC, CMC and district hospital. Organization of health care, delivery system at different levels; Health agencies-International, National.


Role of health team

Team concept and Functions of the health team, Role and Responsibilities of ANM \ FHW, Code of Ethics for ANM


Structure of Community

Rural community- Characteristics, changes in the village community, development, major, rural problems; Urban Community, Village: Physical structure, Administrative set up, Social groups organization, leaders, Community resources.


Dynamics of Community

Social processes- individual and process of socialisation, the interaction between the different social groups in the village, Tradition & Custom & their influence on health, Social stratification, Family and Marriage


Survey, Scope & method of Community needs assessment, community survey, participatory learning for action (PLA)


Communication Method & Media

principle, method & process of communication, interpersonal relationship (IPR), Types & use of AV aids, Use of local folk disseminating health messages, BCC, IEC, teaching-learning process, concepts, characteristics, principles, method of teaching, role & responsibility of ANM/health workers in BCC.



concept, principles & techniques of Counseling, identification needs & areas for counselling in the community, Role of counsellor, Role of ANM/Female Health worker counsellor.


Community-based rehabilitation

Health Conditions needing rehabilitation, community resources available, educate individual family & community.

Health Promotion 1st Year ANM Syllabus

Health promotion is a vital subject for the first year, hate may sub-parts also.

A. Nutrition


Essential Nutrients

Importance of nutrition on health and sickness; essential nutrients, function, sources & requirements; classification of foods & their nutrients value, normal requirements at different ages, balanced diet for different age groups.


Nutritional problem & nutritional deficiencies

Deficiency, correction, treatment & referral- protein, energy malnutrition, Vitamin & mineral deficiencies, under five nutrition, special diet of individual age group.


Nutritional assessment

method of nutritional assessment of the individual family, identification of local foods source their value in enriching diet.


Promotion of Nutrition

planning, special diets; principles & methods of cooking, promotion of kitchen gardens, food hygiene & safe preparation, storage & preparation

B. Human body and Hygiene


The Human Body

Structure, the function of the human body; Body system & their functions.


Hygiene of the Body

Personal & individual hygiene care of mouth, nail, skin, sexual hygiene, menstrual hygiene; care of hand & nail, hair, eye, mouth; elimination care of bowels & bladder.


Optimal Function of Human Body

Basic Human needs – sleep, rest, exercise; food eating and drinking habits, Self-actualisation, human relation, lifestyle & healthy habits,

C. Environmental Sanitation


Environmental Sanitation

environment & ecology for healthy living; air, sunlight, ventilation; home environment.


Safe Water

Characteristics, sources of safe water; purification of water for drinking, disinfection of well, tube well, tank & pond; waterborne disease & prevention.


Disposal of Excreta & Waste

Methods of Excreta disposal, method of waste disposal, handling animal Excreta, hazard due to Waste.


Community Participation

Drainage & preparation of Soak pits, cleaning & maintaining of village, pond, drain, wells.

D. Mental Health


Mental Health

Body-mind relationship, concepts of mental health, factors influencing mental health, development tasks of different age groups, and different defence mechanisms.



Common cause, features of individual Maladjustments; Counselling of individual, community & family.


Mental illness

Identify abnormal behaviour, types of mental illness & treatment, home Care & counselling, Refer to psychiatric emergencies.


Old Age Care

Process of ageing- Physiological, physical changes; needs & problems, care of elderly at home, rehabilitation & agencies of caring elderly

Primary Health Care Nursing- I aNM 1st Year Syllabus PDF

Primary health care nursing 1 is another important subject of the 1st Year Syllabus.

A. Infection and Immunization

Infection & Immunization is the most important subject of the ANM 1st Year Syllabus.


Concepts of Diseases

Definition & concept of illness, disease causation, classification of disease.



Meaning, types, cause; characteristics & classification of micro-organisms; incubation period & spread of infection; factor affecting growth & destruction of microbes.


Immunity & Body Defence Mechanism

body’s defence mechanism, Immunity concept, hypersensitivity, types of immunity, vaccine;



Immunization schedule, infection safety, method of Administering vaccine, Immunization in community, Hazards, precautions while giving vaccine, immunizations drive program, record and report


Collection of specimen

Principle & method of collection of specimen; blood, stools, sputum, urine; Safe disposal of specimen.


Disinfection & Sterilization

Principle & method of antisepsis, method of disinfecting different equipment, method of sterilizing different equipment.


Waste Disposal

Infection & non-infection concepts, principles & method at different levels.

B. Communicable Diseases


Introduction to Communicable Diseases

K communicable diseases-epidemiological concepts, level of prevention, control & prevention of communicable diseases; surveillance, notification, reporting.


Communicable Disease

Sign, symptoms, care & prevention of the following diseases- Diphtheria, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, pertussis, tetanus & measles, Chicken pox, Encephalitis, Acute respiratory infection, Diarrhoeal diseases, leprosy, Worm infestations


Care in Communicable Diseases

Care of patients with communicable diseases, Isolation methods, Standard safety measures, and massage for different communicable diseases.


Epidemic Management

Definition, concepts causes of epidemics, epidemic enquiry in a community, epidemic mapping.

C. Community Health Problems


Care of the Sick in the Community

Danger signs of illness, health assessment, identification of health problems, health education, management of health sick.



Vital Signs, Temperature maintenance and physiology of fever, types & stage, cause. Alternate system of medicine.


Respiratory Problem

common respiratory problems, types, classification, causes, signs, symptoms & treatment of respirator problems, Integrate accepted practice of AYUSH.


Aches & Aches

Cause & management of abdominal pain, tooth, ear ache, headache, joint pains, the roll of ANM worker, management as per standing order and protocol.


Digestive Problems

Indigestion, Haemorrhoids, Integrate accepted practices of AYUSH, the roll of amn workers in the community


Urinary Problems

Signs & symptoms of renal condition, Retention of urine, renal colic, oedema, the role of ANM worker in the community, Integrate accepted practices of AYUSH,


Cardiovascular Problems

Signs, and symptoms of cardiac condition & blood-related problems; hypertension & leukaemia; care of cardiac patients at home, roll of ANM worker including home remedies, practices of AYUSH,


Disease of the Nervous System

Sign, symptoms of the neurological problem; stroke patient care at home, care of pressure points, active & passive exercise, body support to prevent contractures, the roll of ANM worker including home remedies, practices of AYUSH,



Diabetes; Skin care, foot care; Urine testing & administration of insulin injections.


Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System

Signs, and symptoms of sprain, tear of ligaments and arthritis, integrate the accepted practice of AYUSH.


Care of Handicap

Handicaps, counselling for the prevention of certain handicaps, understanding the handicapped persons, and helping families to ensure need based care.

D. Primary Medical Care 80k í


Types of Drugs

Different systems of medicine, classification of drugs, form & characteristics of drugs, Administration of drugs, Calculation of dosage


Administration of Drugs

Routes of administration- Oral, parenteral; Administration of drugs- Precautions, principles; Observations & recording.


Drugs used in minor ailments

Common drug for fever, cold & cough aches and pains etc, drug kit in the subcentre, content & its use, stores & care of the drugs,


Common Emergency Drugs III no

Methergine misoprostol injection, oxytocin, IV fluids, antibiotics, injection, &magnesium vitamins K, sulphate dyphylline, perhexiline, antirabies vaccine, anti-snake venoms as per the protocol, Precautions for Administration, Storage and Care of emergency drugs

E. First Aid and Referral

First Aid & Referral is another important subject of the ANM 1st Year Syllabus. This anm syllabus is the same as the INC-provided syllabus.


Need for First Aid

Principles of first aid, mobilization of resources, first aid kid, Bandages, principles & method bandage.


Minor Injuries & Ailments

Cuts & wounds, Foreign bodies, health education, a roll of ANM / health wor mm lakers



Skeleton system & different bones, types, Causes, signs, first aid care, method of immobilization & transportation.


Life-Threatening Condition

Drowning, bleeding, Strangulation, suffocation, loss of consciousness, Cardiorespiratory arrest, Convulsions, Chest injuries, Foreign bodies, Stroke, Heat stroke, and Severe burn.

Child Health Nursing ANM 1st Year Syllabus PDF


Growth & Development

introduction, factor affecting, growth & development infant & children; physical, Physiological & social development of children.


Nutrition of infants & children

Exclusive best feeding, nutritional requirements, complementary feeding, problem of feeding, breastfeeding counseling, infant feeding & HIV.


Children’s Rights

Convention of the right of the children, prevention of child labour, abuse & legal protection, special care of girl child,


Care of The Sick Child

Common childhood disorders; sign, symptoms & management; vaccine for preventable disease, acute respiratory tract infection; diarrhoea, vomiting, constipation; ear, worm, skin infection; fever, IMNCI strategy


Pare of School Children

School health, assessment of general health of school children, denial & eye problem, nutrients deficiencies, need base sharing of health information with the teachers/ parents/ children, report & record.


Care of Adolescents

Physical growth during adolescence, Emotional & behavioural changes in girls & boys, special needs of adolescents, sex education for adolescents, counselling.


Care of Adolescent Girls

Menstruation & menstrual hygiene, special nutritional needs, early marriage & its effects, adolescent girls- pregnancy & abortion, preparing for family life- Premarital Counseling, the role of ANM female health workers.


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ANM 1st Year Syllabus PDF All information is available on our website Nursing Here Nursing Sathi described the syllabus briefly.

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